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Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen

Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen is a fellow at United Nations University, Operating Unit for Policy-Driven Electronic Governance ( and a researcher at Tallinn University of Technology, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance (, in Estonia.

He currently works on digital transformation and eGovernment strategy development and evaluation (Armenia, Albania, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Latvia), institutional frameworks and performance management (Armenia, Albania, Faroe Islands, Latvia), reuse of public sector information, data protection and privacy (Horizon 2020), internet voting (Australia, Estonia, Switzerland), data reuse and eID management and PKI infrastructure and personalization of eServices (Armenia, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Latvia), ICT facilitated administrative burden reduction and public service delivery, teaching on eGovernment, disruptive technologies, innovation and social media related issues.

Past employment includes the Danish Agency for Digitisation (, National IT- and Telecom Agency, Borgerkommunikationskontoret/ (; Danish Technological Institute, Policy and Business Analysis (; European Institute of Public Administration (; Centre for the Development of Enterprise (; European Commission, DG DEVL (; and University of KwaZulu-Natal (