Dr. Taiseera Al Balushi

Dr. Taiseera is an Assistant Professor and Program Director for Masters in Information Systems program at the College of Economics and Political Science, Information Systems Department. Her main research interests are requirements engineering, software quality and e-services quality. Dr. active in the area of research as she managed to complete successfully three strategic projects; His Majesty Trust Fund Project “Quality of e-services in Oman: a perspective of service users and service providers” and two The Research Council Project ” Cyber Security for Cyber Physical Systems in Oman” and ” A framework for accessibility aware e-content in Oman”. Dr. Taiseera was recognised for her contribution in teaching and research as she received Best Teacher Award for the academic 2013 and best Researcher Award for the academic year 2016.
Dr. AlBalushi participated as guest speaker for “Information Security Forum”organised by the Ministry of defence in 2015 and a keynote speaker for the Arab Open University Student Research Conference in 2017.