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Cemil Sagiroglu

Cemil Sagiroglu

emil Sagiroglu is the head of TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Software Technologies  Research Institute (STRI). He led the preparation of 2015-2019 e-Government Strategy and Action Plan of Turkey. STRI’s mission is to enhance the capacity of public ICT (digital goverment) ecosystem via digital policy development, needs identification and solution planning, software development and capacity building projects and services.


Worked for Turksat as Vice President and managed the e-Government online services gateway ( Number of citizens increased approx. 10 millon in this time interval (2012-2014).

Managed CRM services at Turk Telekom and participated in Telco Transformation Program (2008-2012).

Worked for Tyco Electronics Raychem (Germany) as IT consultant and implemented Product Information System (2001-2007).

Graduated from Bogazici University Department of Computer Engineering in 1996 and work for different software houses and financial institutions until 2001.