This category recognizes the excellence in the provision of eServices by small and medium enterprises SMEs either for individuals or businesses.
Nomination Form Criteria
Service Purpose and Context
- Describe the service, highlighting the main features and its value to users .(Max 200 words)
- Describe the business needs behind the service. (Max 300 words)
- Describe the target segment. (50 -100 words)
- Describe the main awareness / marketing activities undertaken to enhance service take-up and satisfaction. (Max 200 words)
Technology Design Features (Weight: 25)
Describe the technology used, including access, user friendliness, navigation, etc. (provide precise URL links and/or screen shots of features you want to highlight) (Max 300 words)
Service Design Features
- List the channels through which the service is offered to the service users and how they are designed to be used. (Max 200 words)
- Describe user support facilities (e.g. help desks, special features, etc.) .(Max 200 words)
- Describe the methods used to obtain customer feedback .(200 words)
Service Outcomes
Describe the achieved impacts and return of investment of the service on the users, service provider & society, briefly explaining how this has been achieved, by providing credible evidence where possible.(300 words)
Service Sustainability
Explain how sustainable the service is into the future (for example are financial, organizational, human resource and political factors in place?). (Max 200 words)