سعت الجائزة منذ تدشينها في عام 2010 إلى إحداث تحول نوعي في الخدمات الإلكترونية، وتكريم المشاريع التي قدمت إنجازات وابتكارات استثنائية في مجال تقنية المعلومات
تطمح الجائزة نحو إحداث تحول نوعي في الخدمات الإلكترونية من خلال تكريم المشاريع الرقمية التي قدمت إنجازات وابتكارات استثنائية في مجال تقنية المعلومات، وتقدير الأداء المتفوق من خلال تطبيق المعايير العالمية لتقييم مدى التطور في الخدمات الالكترونية ودعم استراتيجيه عمان الرقمية وتعزيز استخدام تقنية المعلومات والاتصالات في التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية
الجدول الزمني
التسجيل في الجائزة
15 يناير 2020
التقييم الاولي
15 يونيو 2020
التحكيم عن بعد
15 يوليو 2020
جلسة التحكيم
4 أكتوبر 2020
حفل اعلان الفائزين بالجائزة
1 ديسمبر 2020
الفائزون في 2018
الفائزون في مسابقة الإجادة في الخدمات الحكومية الإلكترونية لعام 2018
“I want to say that I am immensely impressed by the astonishing progress made by your government and your country in the provision of eServices. You are now ranked internationally – 13th in the field of Government Readiness; 19th for success achieved by government in enhancing the awareness of the ICT industry; and 10th in the level of attention which the government accords to the ICT sector, and it includes all the countries much larger and all the countries which developed much earlier”.
HE. Bill Clinton
Former President of the USA
“The winning of this prestigious award by any organization is evidence of the advancement of eServices. Such organizations will benefit from the participation experience, as well as from the recommendations of the Jury and the Award Organizing Committee, to further develop its projects and better prepare to compete in the following years”.
HE Dr. Ali Masoud Al Sunaidy
Minister of Commerce and Industry
“The award, since its launch in 2010, aimed to bring about both a qualitative and quantitative transformation in public-service delivery by honoring eGovernance / technology projects that have resulted in exceptional achievements, impacts and innovations by harnessing information technology as well as insuring the implementation of the internationally recognized best practices in ICT”
HE Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Al Futaisi
Chairman of the ITA’s Board of Directors
“We have strived every year to add new features in terms of the applications used in the evaluation and assessment processes, and add new categories in accordance with the requirements of each stage, with a view to serving the objectives of e.oman Strategy, which includes the simplification of procedures, and employment of topnotch technology for availing of e-services from public and private organizations alike. We believe we are forging ahead on the right path”.
Dr. Salim Al Ruzaiqi
CEO, Information Technology Authoroity of Oman
“Let this Award Ceremony be a greater Catalyst for constantly challenging ourselves to fulfil the great dream of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos of Oman, a dream for its people living in a connected society where every citizen can exercise its right to access, create and share knowledge, let us commit ourselves to ensure the right policy and Regulatory environment conducive to more investment in Infrastructure, content development, capacity building for faster Broadband deployment and the right services and applications development built and conceived by the citizen for the citizen.”
Dr. Belgacem Haba
Algerian Researcher and Scientist in Microelectronics
تعرف على أهم المستجدات والأخبار